Friday, 21 August 2009

Thumbs up

My fiancée was working in a shift a couple of days ago, when she realized that one of the old lady hallucinating. She reported to a "senior" colleague as per the procedure.

1. The "senior" did not know the word hallucinating
2. Then when others explained it to her, she went to the lady, and showed his hands, thumbs up, and asking her: - Are you ok?
3. She then smiled back, and showed thumbs-up, and answered: - Yes, I am alright.
4. My fiancée did not agree, but could not do anything else, she had written everything properly in the care book of the old lady
5. Later on that night, the lady'd condition turned worse, she became unconscious and they had to call ambulance
6. Ambulance took her to the hospital where they had diagnosed she was dehydrated, and the first sign of that was the hallucination.

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